New (first) Arrival! ALIVE T-Shirt [Key Lime/Blue/White]

Have you been shopping for t-shirts lately? If so, then you've noticed that it's hard to find ones that don't have skulls and crossbones on them. It's no secret that these symbols usually represent poison and death. As Christians, we are no longer dead in our sins but rather we are ALIVE In Jesus Christ, and that's why we've released this simple yet loud message as our first official FLYY FAITH design. Wear life! 

About Flyy Faith

We've heard it said like this: "If you liked pizza before you gave your life to Christ, you'll like pizza after you've given your life to Christ."  The same thing applies to style and fashion.  If you liked fresh and flyy clothing before your conversion, you're still going to want to dress fresh and flyy now.  FLYY FAITH  was birthed to help you do just that!  Not only will you look and feel fresh while draped in the latest FLYY FAITH apparel, but every original design is a bold statement of faith in Christ Jesus as well.  Wear life!